Lista completa de los ensayos del
- Copernicus inspired Galileo to develop his Theory
of Relativity
- Galileo
se inspiró en Copérnico para desarrollar su Teoría de la Relatividad
- The senses and logic do not always reveal the
truth: How Copernicus and Einstein changed the philosophical thought
- Los
sentidos y la lógica no siempre revelan la verdad: Cómo Copérnico y
Einstein cambiaron el pensamiento filosófico
- 100 essays on philosophy, politics, economy and
environment, a different view
- 100
ensayos sobre filosofía, política, economía y medio ambiente, una visión
- Philosophy of Science, 2 essays
- Filosofía
de la ciencia, 2 ensayos
- What is the difference between underdevelopment
and poverty?
- 5 philosophical essays, relativity, atom, space
and time
- 5
ensayos filosóficos, relatividad, átomo, espacio y tiempo
- A different idea for calculating the implicit
exchange rate of currencies of nations regarding the U.S. dollar
- Una
idea diferente para el cálculo del tipo de cambio implícito de las monedas
de las naciones respecto al dólar
- The fracking is what has prevented an explosion
of oil prices so far
- El
fracking es lo que ha impedido hasta ahora una explosión de los precios
del petróleo
- 16 essays on the crisis of the Venezuelan economy
and its solution
- 16
ensayos sobre la crisis de la economía venezolana y su solución
- EIA report confirms the forecast of the book
Running Out: how global shortages change the economic paradigm on the UK
oil depletion
- La EIA
confirma la predicción del libro Running Out: how global shortages change
the economic paradigm sobre el agotamiento del petróleo en el Reino Unido
- Time is only one but appreciated differently on
Earth and in the Cosmos: Why the Classical Theory of Relativity may be
applied to time
- El tiempo es uno solo pero se
aprecia de manera diferente en la tierra y en el espacio: por qué la Teoría
de la Relatividad Clásica es aplicable al tiempo
- The absurdity relationship between the price of
gold and the oil price
- La absurda relación entre el
precio del oro y el precio del petróleo
- Una solución al problema económico
de Venezuela es crear el bolívar oro y permitir el libre uso del dólar
como moneda alterna
- The challenge of OPEC is to keep oil prices over
$ 100
- El reto de la OPEP es mantener
el precio del petróleo sobre 100 dólares
- Ethics of trade and its
impact in the economy of nations
- La ética del comercio y su impacto en la economía de
las naciones
- Wild countries and advanced countries
- Países salvajes y países avanzados
- Si es posible eliminar el control de cambio sin
descapitalizar las reservas
- The backing of money
- El respaldo del dinero
- Dolarizar o crear una nueva moneda
- Four priorities and
programs for the world development
- The political effects of
hyperinflation, the mirror in which Venezuela should look
- Los efectos políticos de la hiperinflación, el espejo
en que Venezuela debería mirarse
- Why it is necessary to
renew the concept of democracy and create a new political model
- Por qué es necesario renovar el concepto de
democracia y crear un nuevo modelo político
- Venezuela accumulates
800,000 percent of devaluation approximately, an extraordinary experience
in the world
- Venezuela acumula 800 mil por ciento de devaluación
aproximadamente, una experiencia extraordinaria en el mundo
- Rafael Correa might transform Ecuador in a Latin
American intellectual center
- Rafael Correa podría convertir a Ecuador en un centro
intelectual de América Latina
- The mass media impose the
political leadership
- Los medios de comunicación imponen el liderazgo
- The influence of the atom
in the economic and social behavior of human groups (II)
- La influencia del átomo en la conducta económica y
social de los grupos humanos (II)
- Is the atomic composition
of matter what determines the economic and social behavior of human
- ¿Es la composición atómica de la materia lo que
determina el comportamiento económico y social de los grupos humanos?
- Cómo resolver el problema monetario y cambiario de
- The austerity policy is
not necessary, a thesis different from traditional concepts of monetary
- La política de austeridad no es necesaria, una tesis
diferente a los conceptos tradicionales de política monetaria
- More money for everyone, a
happy world is possible, a different thesis of monetary policy
- Más dinero para todos, un mundo feliz es posible, una
tesis diferente de política monetaria
- Rafael Poleo y el perfil del candidato presidencial
en Venezuela
- The lack of money should
not be the cause of the poverty of nations
- La falta de dinero no debe ser la causa de la pobreza
de las naciones
- Respect for the law of God
must be the foundation of good governance of nations
- El respeto a la ley de Dios debe ser la base del buen
gobierno de las naciones
- ¿Obtendría Venezuela alguna ventaja de la devaluación
de su moneda?
- Venezuela debe crear una nueva moneda a la par del
dólar, el bolívar oro
- Is there a limit to the
amount of money that an economy can to issue? A reflection in
the U.S. fiscal cliff
- ¿Existe un límite a la cantidad de dinero que una
economía puede emitir? Una reflexión en torno al llamado abismo fiscal de
Estados Unidos.
- How the mass media can
contribute to economic and social development
- Cómo los medios de comunicación pueden contribuir al
desarrollo económico y social
- Is advertising a tool for
economic growth?
- ¿Es la publicidad una herramienta para el crecimiento
- Economics is a branch of
politics, the European crisis
- La economía es una rama de la política, la crisis
- The economic conjuncture
is dominated by two facts: the possibility of war in the Middle East and
the European crisis
- La coyuntura económica es dominada por dos hechos: la
posibilidad de Guerra en el Medio Oriente y la crisis europea
- Why is it necessary to
build a new balanced economic model without ideological prejudices?
- ¿Por qué es necesario construir un nuevo modelo
económico equilibrado, sin prejuicios ideológicos?
- How rationalist ideas
based in the mathematical logic affect the life of millions of people, the
European crisis
- Cómo ideas racionalistas basadas en la lógica
matemática afectan la vida de millones de personas, la crisis europea
- Space and time is one
unit, a reflection on relativity
- Espacio y tiempo es una unidad, una reflexión sobre
la relatividad
- Is the economy a
rationalist discipline or an empiricist discipline?
- ¿Es la economía una disciplina racionalista o una
disciplina empírica?
- There are not true reasons
for the financial crisis in Europe
- No existen verdaderas razones para la crisis
financiera de Europa
- ¿Es la corrupción un vicio o algo inherente a la
naturaleza humana?
- Which is the future of the
Western culture? How China will dominate the global economy and how the
Islam will dominate Europe?
- ¿Cuál es el futuro de la cultura occidental? Cómo
China dominará la economía global y cómo el Islam dominará Europa?
- Ethical dimension of the
economic growth, the priority should be the creation of jobs
- Dimensión ética del crecimiento económico, la
prioridad debe ser la creación de empleos
- Who will pay the
recapitalization and new liquidity of the banks? Basel III
- ¿Quién pagará la recapitalización y la nueva liquidez
de los bancos? Basilea III
- Austerity generates
unemployment, poverty and political instability
- La austeridad genera desempleo, pobreza e
inestabilidad política
- Are the worldwide protests
the first signs of the capitalism end?
- ¿Son las protestas mundiales los primeros signos del
fin del capitalismo?
- Bank of England recognizes
that to issue more money is the solution
- Banco de Inglaterra reconoce que emitir más dinero es
la solución
- The unique solution for
Greece, Spain, Portugal and Italy is to abandon the euro
- La única solución para Grecia, España, Portugal e
Italia es abandonar el euro
- Financial crisis: the
solution is to issue more money and not reducing the public spending
- Fiscal deficit and size of
the economy
- The monetary policy is a
key element to reduce the poverty and achieving wellbeing
- Economic crisis 2011: the
solution is to realize that the economy operates in a new scale and not
reducing the public spending
- Why the debt is not a
problem for the United States? An answer in 150
words (II)
- Money is only metal and
paper without intrinsic value, philosophy of money
- Why the poor countries do
not overcome its poverty? Political economy
- The debt is not a problem
for the U.S. neither the world economy
- A concrete idea to combat
the unemployment, political economy
- Human egoism and
overpopulation, big economics and political problems
- Relativity of the
mathematical exactitude, philosophy of science
- The evolution of the
scientific knowledge, pure and applied science, Philosophy of Science
- An important contribution
to the human wellbeing, a thesis on the dairy sector of the University
Federico II
- Philosophy of science,
economy and environment
- Abstract ideas, economic
reality and philosophy of the science
- Political economy food and
demographic control
- Political economy, food
and population projections
- Political economy, the
first objective of the science and technology should be to conquer the
- Political economy and environment
- Political economy and
employment, effects of the financial crisis 2008-2009
- Political economy, overpopulation and demography
- Political economy, the
paper of the State and of the market
- The political economy may
contribute to build a better world, reflection on the evolution
- Wages and welfare, ecological employments
- By lack of water China
might increase their cereals imports
- What the true wealth is? The monetary
- The ecological
employments, an useful proposal for the Copenhagen’s Summit
- The natural resources future
- The natural resources will
be the cause of the peace or the war in the 21st century
- The essence of Capitalism
might change, political economy theory
- Why the Communism did not
survive, political economy theory
- Effects of the economic
crisis on the world stability
- The Political Economy in
the 21st century, Theory of the Political Supremacy
- Theory of the political
supremacy, on the economics subordination
- Ecological reflection, the
water crisis in the world
- The politics dominate the
economy, elements of a different theory of the power, Theory of the
Political Supremacy
- Difference between
underdevelopment and poverty, how the mass media can promote the
- Economic dimension of the
ecological employments, a way for fighting against the poverty and the
climate change
- The Ban Ki Moon and Robert
Zoellick main challenges are combating the world poverty and preserving
the environment
- The ecological employments
are an effective road for combating the world poverty
- How the United Kingdom and
Norway has exhausted its petroleum
- Mathematical demonstration
of the petroleum depletion
- How the beaches disappear
- While millions suffer
hunger other spend trillions in weapons and luxury
- Climate Change affects the
food production
- Diminishing the CO2
emissions is the great challenge
- Obama should avoid a
political defeat
- Obama is a modern and
smart leader
- A radical change in the
economic theory
- Water scarcity is everyday
worse worldwide
- Is the supremacy of the United
States in peril?
- The mortgages are not the
main cause of the financial fallout
- Banks in bankruptcy but
rich bankers, Theory of the Coercive Deficit
- Was the 2008 recession
provoked with a deliberate objective?
- Why helping the car
industry? Because the solution is in the real economy and not in the financial
- The carmaker is the most
emblematic industry of the North American Capitalism
- The carmaker industry
deserves the financial help of the Congress
- How to recover an economy
after a financial disaster
- Giving financial
assistance direct to the consumers
- The UK Oil Will Last 4
Years More